HAPPY FUTURES LAB is a safe space to weave visions, craft strategies and experiment with the innovative ideas. It’s a prototyping lab driven by futures research, curiosity and yes!-attitude. We use design and futures thinking approaches to explore the challenges, discover opportunities and create a positive change.


# what is futures thinking?

Futures thinking is an approach used to investigate possible versions of the future. Yes, that's right! There is no one pre-defined future, but rather a spectrum of possibilities. Futurists use different methods and tools to explore, define and prepare for the possible outcomes. Engaging in the process helps see how decisions made today might affect our tomorrow.

# why focus on happy futures?

It might seem that conjuring happy visions is a futile effort. Culture is rich in vivid depictions of dystopian narratives that mirror current societal fears and doubts. Positive outlooks are much more difficult to come by. We define 'happy futures' not necessarily as utopias, but rather as more realistic 'best possible' scenarios for the future. We believe that vivid visions rooted in cross-disciplinary research are 'a must' of every strategic planning.

# how does futures thinking apply to innovation process?

Exploring possible futures allows foreseeing potential risks and opportunities for your organisation moving forward. Being mindful of the change helps you to define your role and take concrete actions toward the best possible future.


# what would I get?

We offer workshops and courses in futures thinking and foresight that support the innovation process and strategic decision-making. We deliver trend reports, help you explore the potential of new technologies and trends, run simulation games and future-proof ideas.
Can we help you with something else? We are open to working with custom projects and offer consulting services.

# products & services

We offer a range of ready workshops and courses that can help you at different stages in your innovation process. We also have something for those who wish to learn more about methods and tools of futures thinking. To know more about the products, click here.


# team

Happy Futures Lab works with designers, researchers and experts from various fields to deliver the highest quality of work. HFL is initiated and run by Karolina Thakker.
Are you interested in the work that we do? Reach out to us! We are always looking for curious people to join our ranks.

# community platform

Happy Futures Lab is also a community platform. We have built so-called Happy Hubs that are topic-focused research centres. Learn more about what we do there and how to join by reading the information on this page.